Arbitration Forums, Inc. Discontinuing Online Filing

Sunsetting an application that has served us well!

Arbitration Forums, Inc. (AF) has been on a multi-year journey to deliver an innovative arbitration product that reduces cycle time, decreases filing errors, and improves decision quality. With the addition of the Special Arbitration Forum on February 19, 2024, Total Recovery Solution® (TRS®) now contains all of AF’s programs available for arbitration. All new filings are now in TRS, and new filings in Online Filing (OLF) have been discontinued.

With all arbitration programs now available in TRS, AF will be discontinuing OLF this year. Members will need to prepare any open OLF cases for migration to TRS. To help expedite the migration, AF is building a process to automate parts of the migration. This will be shared with you in the coming months, along with training materials, prior to starting the migration targeted for the beginning of September.

Preparing Cases for Migration
Open OLF cases will have to be resubmitted in TRS if they have not yet been heard. This includes cases that have been deferred in OLF. Added capabilities in TRS will allow parties to link evidence to their arguments, leverage the improved arbitrator profiling, and provide the ability to revisit the filing when specific conditions occur.
  • To ensure a seamless transition and refiling process, all parties must validate that the current company representative information on the open cases is accurate and current.
    • AF will be using current company representative information to send notifications to parties on the case, so this information must be validated.
  • In the event there are cases open in OLF where a settlement was reached, these must be withdrawn in OLF. This will limit the number of notifications you receive and reduce the number of cases to refile in TRS.
  • To obtain the list of open OLF cases, members can generate the Applicant Open Cases Detail and Respondent Open Detail reports by following the steps below: 
    • Go to My Arbfile. 
    • Click on “Reports,” then “Reporting.” 
    • Select “Company Detail Reports.”
Stay tuned for future updates in the coming months. AF will be collaborating with you to support a successful migration.